Friday, September 26, 2014

Married.. yet single!!

In a weird mood today..

Almost nearing the end of my 2nd pregnancy and suddenly I realize that hubby dearest is never around. To his credit.. he's an extremely loving husband and an adorable father and he has done more than his share of things than most father do. But it's just that he's travelling a lot for work.. now that he's got his own  business and that leaves me and K all by ourselves.

Being the good wife that I am, we haven't splurged on keeping a full day maid yet.. (will do that when the new baby comes) but that's because instead I've kept a cook so cooking if off my list of things to do. And besides I enjoy the uniterrupted and non-interference of a maid between K and me.

Just waiting now for the lil tot to come along and for Round 2 to start.

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